Humans and their Environments
Restoration biology
Lecture 288 Dec 2022
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Woodworth Janzen Hallwachs Nov13 Our Once and Future Planet.pdf
restoration biology
the beginning
dry forest removal
current situation
restore tropical dry forest
raise funds to restore
raw material
raw material
forest fragments
forest fragments
cattle in the dry season
cattle in the rainy season
burn a grazing sward
removal of cattle
result of cattle removal
fire aftermath
fire breaks
fire breaks
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
ACG pastures
when the fires are stopped
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
Cliff Top Regeneration Plot
rainy season, CTRP
older succession, dry
older succession, wet
forest remnants
forest remnants
Guacimal plot
Guacimal fire plot
Guacimal fire plot
Guacimal fire plot
Guacimal fire plot
Guacimal fire plot
seed dispersal, wind
mahogany fruit
mahogany seeds
sapling mahogany
sapling Cochlospermum
Cochlosperum fruits
short lived trees
Lonchocarpus acuminatus
Lonchocarpus acuminatus
Lonchocarpus acuminatus
animal dispersal
deep forest Enterolobium
animal dispersal detail
forest tree seeds
bird turds
the perpetrator
coyotes as disperser
wild coyote
coyote dung
coyote dung
Manilkara seedling
deer as seed dispersers
deer dung
deer regurgitate
collared peccary
peccaries and Enterolobium
peccary dung
peccary dung
seed disperser?
different species
Manilkara seed fate
fig seed fate
two peccaries
P. saman fruits
P. saman fruits
tapir dung
a tapir dump
tapir dung, P. saman
slow restoration
mycorrhizal fungi
key restoration elements
wet forest pastures
forest interior
cloud forest pasture
rainforest pasture
rainforest tree seeds
tree seedlings
human involvement
pochote plantation
pochote plantation
natural succession
tree falls
shifting cultivation?
living dead
living dead
living dead patches
end game